
Ten Essential PCR Applications and Methods - And How They Could Help You!

22 Oct 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

1.Using SapphireAmp® Fast PCR Master Mix for Rapid Colony PCR Screening

Learn about a fast colony PCR screening strategy that, using Takara’s SapphireAmp Fast PCR Master Mix, can identify plasmids containing a cloned gene fragment in less than 60 minutes.

2.Fully Automated Purification of Viral Nucleic Acids and Detection with Ready-to-Use artus® PCR Kits

Discover an automated method for the purification and sensitive real-time PCR detection of viral nucleic acids using the artus PCR Kits from QIAGEN.

3.Discrimination of Sturgeon and Related Species by PCR-RFLP Using the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer System

This application note presents a quick, robust and easy to use protocol to identify the species, based on a well accepted PCR-RFLP method and using the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer System to analyze restriction patterns.

4.Direct PCR from Blood Preserved on Whatman FTA and 903 Cards Using Thermo Scientific Phusion Blood Direct PCR Kit

This study demonstrates that the Phusion Blood Direct PCR Kit allows amplification of DNA directly from blood stored on cards with no or very little pretreatment.

5.TRAPing Telomerase Activity Using Droplet Digital PCR

Bio-Rad’s Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCRTM) technology and EvaGreen chemistry are shown to provide a sensitive, high-throughput method for the absolute quantification of telomerase activity. Results demonstrate the method to be more sensitive than traditional TRAP radiography.

6.Straightforward PCR Optimization and Highly Flexible Operation on the Dual Block Thermocycler Mastercycler Nexus GX2

This application note presents the flexible application possibilities of the dual block thermocycler Mastercycler® nexus GX2 from Eppendorf.

7.Selecting the Proper Pipetting Tools for Optimal PCR and qPCR in the Laboratory

This guide, from Gilson, will assist you with selecting the right pipetting tools for optimal PCR and qPCR in the laboratory.

8.DNA Profiling of Endangered Species by PCR at the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research

Learn about an automated method for preparing samples from endangered species for PCR amplification and genetic analysis using Tecan’s TouchTools PCR Wizard and Freedom EVO® liquid handling workstation.

9.KASP™ Genotyping Technology Accelerates Poultry Breeding Program at Hy-Line International

Learn how LGC’s KASP™ Genotyping Chemistry, based on competitive allele-specific PCR, provides a high-throughput genotyping method for the detection of SNP variations, enabling scientists at Hy-Line International to identify and select for poultry carrying specific genes.

10.Optimized Reagents for Probe-Based qPCR using the GoTaq® Probe qPCR and RT-qPCR Systems

This application note demonstrates the sensitive detection and quantification of a wide range of DNA and RNA targets using GoTaq® Probe qPCR and RT-qPCR Systems.

PCR Technology Buying Guide

This buying guide provides you with an overview of the key technologies and considerations in real-time PCR, digital PCR and other methods, to help you make the best purchases for your lab.
