Testing the Role of Microplate Contamination in Elevated Solvent Boiling

28 Oct 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Genevac has announced the availability of the Fall 2009 issue of its informative e-newsletter - Solvent Removal Online. Accessible as a pdf download the main feature of this issue focuses upon how contaminants from within or upon microplates, can enter the sample solution causing an elevation in the expected solvent boiling behaviour.

A series of tests are described that will enable laboratories to check if unexpected elevated solvent boiling temperatures are attributable to microplate contamination. A case study of an actual contamination incident is included to illustrate the effect.

The issue also discusses why Genevac recommend 8mbar as the optimum pressure for evaporating water without freezing.

Previous issues of Solvent Removal Online, that contain a host of other useful troubleshooting hints and tips, technical innovations and applications advice, may also be downloaded after a short registration process.

