The A-TEEM: Combining Absorbance and Transmission with EEMs

HORIBA Scientific, a global leader in fluorescence solutions, has a new technique for molecular fingerprinting

14 Sept 2017
Abigail Berry
Administrator / Office Personnel

A-TEEM (Absorbance and Transmission Excitation Emission Matrix) simultaneously measures absorbance and fluorescence transmission. A-TEEM fingerprints molecules with high specificity and ultrahigh-sensitivity enabling researches to identify, quantify and understand dynamics of fluorescing and absorbing molecular states, and mixtures.

A-TEEM is included on HORIBA’s Aqualog, a compact, benchtop spectrometer for CDOM. Aqualog is the only instrument to simultaneously measure both absorbance spectra and fluorescence excitation-emission matrices. These EEMs are acquired up to a 100 times faster than with other instruments.

See the latest in Spectroscopy here >>

“The A-TEEM acquisition and analysis timeframe takes place in seconds to minutes, thus effectively competing with other techniques and procedures that may take hours to weeks,” said Adam Gilmore, Fluorescence Product Manager for HORIBA Scientific. “In many cases, A-TEEM has already proven to be more effective in protein, vaccine, wine and water research, quality and process applications than HPLC and vibrational spectroscopy.”

Want more information about the A-TEEM? Contact Horiba here.

Do you use the Aqualog benchtop spectrometer? Review it here!

