The Benefits of Biotix® Pipette Tips Are Now Available to Users of LTS-style Pipettes

Biotix introduces the new xTIP® line of pipette tips

20 Apr 2016
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Biotix Inc., a leading designer and manufacturer of liquid handling tools, has announced the introduction of xTIP Low Retentive Pipette Tips. These new tips are specially designed for people who use Rainin LTS® pipettes and who appreciate the flexibility of having an alternative pipette tip supplier.

For the first time, innovative features introduced by Biotix will be available to Rainin LTS-style pipette users. These features, designed to reduce user error and increase accuracy and precision, include FlexFit®, a patented technology that ensures a secure seal; X-Resin®, an innovative resin with low retentive qualities that improves sample uniformity and CV values; and Blade® technology that prevents droplet formation and eliminates the need for tip touch-off.

“We are delighted to be able to offer the xTIP line for Rainin LTS users,” says Biotix CEO Paul Nowak. “Now, everyone can take advantage of our innovation, no matter what type of pipette they are using.”

Besides benefiting from xTIP performance enhancements, users will also be assured of a consistent supply. “We’re happy to take on this role and promise to continue our history of providing the tips needed, whenever they are needed.”

xTIP pipette tips are available in both filtered and non-filtered versions in sizes ranging from 20 μL to 1000 μL.

