The complete portfolio for PCR and RT-PCR

2 Oct 2007

QIAGEN offer the most comprehensive range of PCR and RT-PCR products available. In addition, they have now added a fast-cycling PCR kit and a unique fridge storage DNA polymerase to their trusted range of standard, hot-start, multiplex, long-range, and high-fidelity end-point PCR kits.

The QIAGEN Fast Cycling PCR Kit enables highly specific PCR in just 30 minutes on any thermal cycler. The convenient ready-to-use master mix contains HotStarTaq® Plus DNA Polymerase, Fast Cycling PCR Buffer, and dNTPs. The kit is also supplied with CoralLoad Fast Cycling Dye, which can be optionally added to the master mix prior to the start of PCR cycling — enabling immediate gel-loading of amplified products.

The new TopTaq™ DNA Polymerase combines a number of unique and convenient features to provide unrivalled ease-of-use and high product yields in a wide range of end-point PCR applications. TopTaq DNA Polymerase is the first PCR kit that allows long-term fridge storage — eliminating the need for reagent thawing. Other neat features include room temperature PCR setup and a single preoptimized protocol suitable for all PCR assays. The kit also comes with CoralLoad Concentrate for immediate loading of PCR products and Q-Solution for the reliable amplification of difficult templates.

For PCR without compromise, visit the article webpage.

