The DNA revolution is here...

7 Jun 2006

Imagine a system that can collect, preserve, transport and purify DNA from saliva, in a single container, at room temperature!

DNA Genotek™ have developed the Oragene™ DNA Collection system, a compact, robust design ideal for storage and mailing. Perfect for customers who are conducting large-scale population studies requiring an easy way to collect samples from a highly distributed population.

Here are some of the testimonials from satisfied customers.

“The results are amazing. The yield is so surprisingly high, we got 100, 300 and 400 micrograms of DNA from these samples.”
Mehdi Keddache, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Medical Centre, Sequencing Services Co-Ordinator.

“We obtained near perfect DNA human identification profiling results under very demanding field conditions and as a bonus, reduced our extraction time by a factor of 8 and increased total DNA yields by a factor of 30.”
Dr. Ruth Ballard, CaliforniaStateUniversity.

