The First Synthetic CRISPR RNA Arrayed Library Provides a Drug Discovery Screening Tool for Loss-of-Function Studies

19 Sept 2016
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

Dharmacon™ Edit-R™ Human Druggable Genome crRNA Library from GE Healthcare’s Life Sciences business enables screening of nearly 8,000 individual targets with CRISPR-Cas9 gene knockout. The first arrayed synthetic CRISPR RNA (crRNA) library of its kind, it helps provide in-depth insight into a range of wide-reaching biological questions. With an emphasis on characterized genes of interest in drug discovery, it offers a powerful screening resource to identify potential therapeutic targets.

Arrayed screening lets researchers overcome the limitations of selectable or sortable assays that are required for pooled library screening. Edit-R Druggable crRNA Library delivers more detailed one-gene-per-well information by enabling high content and multiparametric assays to easily characterize complex phenotypes.

Ready-to-use, transfectable Edit-R synthetic crRNAs are designed using a novel algorithm that results in highly functional gene knockout, while also accurately identifying and eliminating sequences with the potential for off-target editing.

Dharmacon Edit-R Human Druggable Genome crRNA Library offers:

• 7995 gene targets with 4 crRNAs per gene

• 96- and 384-well plate formats, with quantities of 0.1, 0.25 or 0.5 nmol per well

• Subsets arranged by gene family including kinases, proteases, phosphatases, ion channels, transcription factors, GPCRs, ubiquitin enzymes, and other potential drug targets.

