The Latest Liquid Cardiac Controls From Randox

22 Nov 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

The latest Randox Acusera Liquid Cardiac Control covers an impressive 10 cardiac markers, including BNP, CK-MB, D-dimer, Digoxin, Homocysteine, high sensitivity CRP, Myoglobin, NT-ProBNP, Troponin I and Troponin T. Consolidation in this way means that the QC is easy to use and convenient, as well as allowing for greater cost savings.

The liquid-stable, ready to use format, eliminates the problems associated with reconstitution and removes the necessity to thaw before use. This makes it ideal for use in both the clinical lab and point of care testing. The control can be conveniently shipped and stored at 2-8oC reducing delivery costs and the need for freezer storage. Assayed instrument and method specific target values are provided for the most common analysers providing greater flexibility for laboratories.

Three distinct levels of control are available covering the complete clinical range. The control is designed to accurately monitor low levels of Troponin, Troponin I is present in the level 1 control at concentrations around 0.075 ng/ml and Troponin T at levels around 0.036 ng/ml. Cut off levels for Troponin I and T in line with internationally recommended levels eliminate the need to purchase additional and often expensive low level controls.

Randox controls are known for their unrivalled stability with many controls meeting and often exceeding the stability claims quoted. Once opened all analytes in our liquid cardiac control are stable for 30 days at 2-8oC. This extended stability can help minimize waste and reduce costs within the laboratory.

Like many Randox controls our liquid cardiac control is manufactured from 100% human materials this not only provides a matrix similar to the patient sample but reduces interference with antibody based tests.

As a true third party control an independent assessment of performance is guaranteed. Our unique value assignment process employs over 18,000 independent laboratories making Randox the only true supplier of third party quality controls.

With nearly 30 years experience in clinical diagnostics, Randox understand the importance of laboratory quality, so every control we manufacture is to the highest standard. In addition to our comprehensive liquid cardiac control Randox can also provide 24/7 an inter-laboratory data management software and peer group reporting package designed to compliment and support the Acusera range of control sera and RIQAS, the world’s largest global EQA scheme.

