The Most Economical Method of DNA Purification from Agarose Available!

14 Mar 2008

The UltraClean 15 Kit employs a rapid protocol – 15 minutes from agarose gels and 10 minutes from reaction solutions. The kit’s uniform sized silica beads allow for easy resuspension of pellets with only one wash and elution step required. The batch format design of the kit allows for isolation of up to 1 mg of DNA from an agarose gel. The use of silica resin also allows for small elution volumes – as low as 12 µl – making it easy to obtain concentrated DNA solutions.

Other MO BIO Products:
MO BIO Laboratories provide kits that are optimized for the many different kinds of samples you might choose to study. Whether you work with soil, water, plants, soft tissues, tough tissues, fecal, microbes, agarose gels, single preps or high throughput, we have a kit that will fit your nucleic acid isolation and purification needs.

