The New 3-Laser Merge Module

6 Jan 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

VisiTech International Ltd. today announced the release of the new 3-Laser Merge Module. The design of this laser merge module combines the tightly collimated laser beams from multiple laser sources into a single collinear beam allowing it to be used with different laser enhanced instruments; for example Confocal Imaging and Total Internal Reflection Microscopy. This cost-effective solution houses up to three solid state lasers.

The new laser merge module also features VisiTech’s ultra-stable alignment system. The AOTF (Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter) module integrated with the unit permits the software control of laser line selection, individual line intensity and high speed shuttering. Optical fibres connect between the laser merge module and the laser enhanced instrumentation providing a totally enclosed path for the laser illumination.

