The New Amersham™ WB System

28 Nov 2014
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

Join GE Healthcare at the annual ASCB conference in Philadelphia, December 7-9 2014, to learn more about the newest generation of western blotting and imaging systems!

The Amersham WB system is designed to minimize variability and reduce the risk of errors at each stage of the blotting process regardless of experiment or operator. This fully-integrated system performs all stages of Western blotting - electrophoresis, transfer, probing, detection and scanning, and analysis. You get traditional, trusted Western blots that are consistently reproducible and highly quantitative.

The Amersham 600 series builds upon the robust legacy of ImageQuant™ LAS4000 series that provided high quality, publication-ready images and reliable research data. Amersham 600 portfolio includes four systems for routine research applications in pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic research.

