The New AMH ELISA (EIA-5738) Now Available

25 Aug 2014
Charlotte Moore
Administrator / Office Personnel

DRG has announced the addition of another new test to the Reproductive Function and Fertility panel - the new Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) ELISA test.

Anti-Mullerian hormone is a 140 kDa glycoprotein that is produced during normal embryogenesis by the Sertoli cells of the embryonic testis. It causes the involution of the Müllerian duct, and inhibits female gonadogenesis by producing apoptosis of target gonadal cells. It belongs to the transforming growth factor-ß super family. AMH causes apoptosis of specific Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) receptor-bearing cells, while having no effect on cells without receptors. AMH is produced in the testis from embryogenesis to puberty. In females, small amounts of AMH are produced by the ovaries from birth to menopause. It also controls primordial follicle recruitment by limiting the responsiveness of the growing follicles to follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

The AMH ELISA kit uses well characterized antibodies directed to linear epitopes specifically to the mid-pro region for capture and mature regions for detection. The AMH assay uses recombinant human AMH for the calibrators and is standardized to a purified mature AMH preparation characterized by mass spectroscopy and optical density at 280nm.

AMH is a useful research tool in Reproductive Endocrinology studies related to:
• Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
• Oncofertility
• Gonadotoxicity
• Peri-menopausal transition
• Early onset menopause
• PCOS - biochemical feature of polycystic ovary syndrome
• Neonatal gender determination
• Cryptorchidism
• Testicular (Leydig/Sertoli cell) function

A study was performed to compare the DRG AMH ELISA test to a commercially available test using serum samples from 41 men and women 20 to 50 years. A correlation of R2 = 0.940 was obtained versus this method with a regression formula of y=1.068+0.423. An assay linearity of 0.04 - 14 ng/mL has been identified as the usable range.

The sensitive, reliable and easy-to-run microplate AMH assay has been developed to measure AMH in serum and other biological fluids.

