The New Metrohm 867 pH Module

21 May 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The new Metrohm 867 pH module is a high specification instrument designed with high end pH measurement in mind. This versatile module has been developed for industries such as the pharmaceutical industry where calibration up to 9 points and full instrument and data control to FDA regulations 21 CFR part 11 are essential.

FDA Compliancy
The 867 module can be connected to a Titrando autotitrator or controlled directly by the Metrohm 840 Touchscreen and Tiamo software. This makes the instrument a fully FDA 21 CFR part11 compliant standalone pH/Ion meter when using the Touchscreen.

iConnect and iTrode Electrode Traceability
The electrode used for pH measurement is really the most important component of any system, and until now it has been just this electrode that has formed the last gap in traceability. The iTrode and iConnect now closes this gap and therefore guarantees complete traceability of the analytical result to each component participating in the analysis thus eliminating the use of an incorrect electrode or the use of an electrode whose calibration period or working life has expired.

The 854 iConnect is electrode cable and measuring amplifier in one. The iTrodes of the new intelligent electrode generation confirm Metrohm’s leadership in the field of potentiometric titration.

The built-in memory chip allows the storage of such important sensor data as article and serial numbers, calibration data, calibration history, working life and calibration validity period.

All the sensor data are read in automatically when the iTrode is connected to the 867 module. Mix-ups or editing errors are therefore eliminated.

The electrode is identified automatically. If the type of electrode is not the same as that defined in the method then the user is informed. This means that it is not possible to use an incorrect electrode.

Monitoring functions allow the exclusion of electrodes whose calibration data lie outside the limits or whose calibration period has already expired.

If the sensor is used with different instruments or if you wish to prevent inexperienced users from having to calibrate the electrode on their own instruments then the electrode can be calibrated on a different instrument under defined conditions. The calibration data stored in the chip make the electrode transferable; it does not need to be recalibrated each time that it is used with a different instrument.

Unique Feature:
The unique Metrohm Dosino dosing device can be added to the 867 to perform standard addition when measuring with Ion Selective Electrodes.

General Features:
• The 867 pH Module is an extension measuring (no titration) input for any Titrando
• Fully FDA compliant standalone pH/Ion meter when using 840 Touch Control
• Connection of analog potentiometric electrodes (ISE + Reference, combined pH and metal electrodes) and intelligent sensors (iTrodes)
• Four MSB inputs for connection of a stirrer (801, 804 or 803) or dosing units.
• Two USB interfaces for connection of a printer, barcode reader, etc.
• Measuring modes:
• MEAS pH, T, U, lpol, Upol, Conc, standardaddition (manual, auto, auto dos)
• CAL pH, CAL Conc
• Dosing: ADD, PREP, EMPTY

