The New Shimadzu Application Hand¬book “Clinical”

The New Shimadzu Application Hand¬book “Clinical”

2 Feb 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

Shimadzu, one of the world leaders in analytical instrumentation, has released the first Application Handbook “Clinical”.

It contains most advanced technologies and solutions such as chromatography, mass spectrometry, spectroscopy and life sciences instru­ments. With nearly 140 pages, the Application Handbook “Clinical” covers 47 real life applications related to hot subjects such as Vitamin D, steroids, immunosuppres­sants, catecholamines and amino acids analysis. The book is free of charge and can be down­loaded at:

Analytical Tools for The Clinical World

In clinical applications, analytical instruments unfold a multitude of benefits:

  • They support the quality of human life. The concentration of medications in Therapeu­tic Drug Monitoring (TDM), is assured, even though this may change ac­cording to age and health conditions and is dependent on gender, genetic consti­tu­tion or interferences with other drugs.
  • They help to save lives, particularly when it comes to time-critical situations, e.g. through acute intoxication, medical or drug abuse.
  • They analyze over- and undersupply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • They are applied in genomics, proteomics and metabolomics.
  • They uncover fraud in sport, particularly in animal or human doping. At the same time, analytical systems support health protection of animals and humans, even in the long-term.

Clinical applications benefit from Shimadzu’s complete portfolio covering:

  • chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, HPLC, UHPLC, LC-MS, LC-MS/MS)
  • spectroscopy (UV-Vis, FTIR, AAS, EDX, ICP-OES)
  • life sciences (MALDI-(TOF)-MS)
  • microchip-electrophoresis
  • biopharmaceutical (aggregate sizer)
  • observation of medical microbubbles in targeted drug delivery using the
    HPV-X2 ultra high-speed camera.

Web summary
With almost 140 pages, the new Shimadzu Application Handbook “Clinical” combines 47 real life applications and most advanced technologies and solutions for clinical re­search. All major analytical instrumentation methods are covered, such as chrom­atog­raphy, mass spectrometry, spectroscopy and life science lab instruments. The book is free of charge and can be downloaded (17 MB) at:

