The Picovitro Plate - the ultimate tool for single cell analysis!

16 Oct 2007
Martin Silvén
Marketing / Sales

The Picovitro Plate is developed for high throughput single cell/clone analysis. It is an optimal diagnostic tool for studying large numbers of cells with respect to, e.g., heterogeneity, proliferation and sensitivity to chemotherapeutics at the single cell/clone level.

Rapid, precise single cell seeding using a conventional fluorescence activated cell sorter into the Picovitro Plate allows several thousands of single cells to be cultivated, short-term (72 h) or long-term (10-14 days), and analysed individually. The user will always know exactly which cell that is positioned in every well. The miniaturized platform further offers a volume of growth medium appropriate for single cell cultivation, including a better format for cell imaging. It also requires a remarkably low number of cells, a major advantage when screening limited amounts of patient/primary cell samples. The Picovitro Plate consists of three levels; a glass bottom, a silicon micro grid and after the cells have been seeded, all wells are covered by a semipermeable membrane. The formats of the Picovitro Plate are suited for standard detection instruments such as array scanners, microscopes etc. The Picovitro Plate can be applied in various fields, e.g., diagnostics, research, drug discovery, agriculture and stem cell analysis.


  • Cultivation of single cells up to 14 days.
  • Standard instruments can be used for cell seeding and detection.
  • Easy location of the cell, thanks to the miniaturized format.
  • Very low number of cells required.
  • Analysis of several thousands of single cells individually.
  • All single cells/clones can be treated independently.
  • Optical detection enabled from both top and bottom.
  • Flat and thin plate for facilitated imaging.
  • Applicable for both adherent and non-adherent cells.

