The PMD300 Online Moisture Analyzer from Sartorius: Continuous Moisture Analysis Boosts Process Quality

11 Feb 2010
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Analyzing the moisture content of raw materials is one of the most common tasks in product development and in the manufacturing process. Regardless of whether food, chemical or pharmaceutical products, animal feed or other materials, the moisture or water content frequently determines the price, the processability and the material quality of raw materials and final products.

Since most moisture analyzers only conduct random spot checks, Sartorius designed the PMD300 moisture analyzer series especially for online analysis. These new machines provide the user with a complete overview of the current state of a production process or the state of a batch. Thanks to the use of microwave resonance technology, the user continuously receives the moisture content of his material within less than a second.

Using this information, he can immediately adjust his process to the measurement results. The analysis is independent of matrix properties like product color or density. As a result, different batches can be analyzed without recalibrating, which is a tremendous advantage for natural products. Online analysis means that entire batches are measured continuously and precisely.

Fast Results
Exact and immediate results are indispensable—especially for drying processes. In production processes, a predefined moisture content must very often be reached before proceeding to the next step (batch processing). In the past, one had to wait for an answer from the laboratory. Now, however, since the moisture content is permanently monitored without loss of time, the ideal conditions for the drying or baking process can be met. The temperature in the oven, the air supply and the conveyor belt speed are automatically adjusted to the current moisture content of the product. The PMD300 not only saves valuable energy, it also increases process safety and effectiveness. The user has continuous control over the moisture content of his products.

Tailored to Your Process
The new PMD300 series averages the individual measurements over a user-defined period and then sends them to a PC, switch cabinet or PLC controller. The advantage of microwave resonance technology is its extremely short measurement time of less than one second. The analyzed material can be further processed directly thereafter. Both core and surface moisture content are analyzed. This is achieved using several different sensors. This way, the analysis can be customized to the sample and process as each situation requires. Varied speed and analysis resolution requirements and instrument operatability are notable examples. Depending on the type of sensor, the measurable range lies between 0.1% and 60% moisture content.

The PMD300 Online Moisture Analyzer knows no bounds. Due to the sensors’ compact form and high protection rating, they can be used in the food, chemical or pharmaceutical industry. The ultrasensitive planar sensors, featuring a special ceramic surface, are especially suited for use on conveyor belts or in hoppers. Bypass sensors, which can measure both density and moisture content, are especially suited for pourable or granulated products that are transported through pipes. The PMD300 can also be used in the incoming goods department to analyze raw materials continuously and document the results. Instead of doing spot checks, the entire batch is monitored continuously. (Meets IFS V5 requirements.) Additionally, water content levels for products with legal maximum values can be maintained exactly.

