The SensiQ Family of SPR Systems – New Surface Chemistries

5 Jun 2008

ICx Technologies recently introduced a range of new chemistries to complement the existing planar COOH chemistries and gold only surfaces. These include the following:

  • Biotin capture – This is a neutravidin-based planar surface designed to work with biotinylated proteins and oligos.
  • Avidin capture – Another planar surface that takes advantage of the high affinity of the biotin-avidin complex, this surface utilizes biotin on the surface to capture avidin conjugated proteins.
  • His-Tag Capture – This surface utilizes the Ni-NTA complex to capture His-tagged proteins for subsequent binding to biomolecules.
  • Hydrophobic – This is especially well-suited for the immobilization of vesicles or membranes in the study of receptor protein binding interactions.
  • High Capacity – Various three dimensional matrices are available for those studies that require surfaces with higher immobilization capacities for applications such as protein-small molecule interactions.

For more detailed information, visit the article webpage.

