The Truth is in the Code: Illumina’s VeraCode™ Technology

24 Jun 2007

Illumina's VeraCode™ technology leverages the power of digital holographic codes to provide a robust detection method for multiplex assays requiring high precision, accuracy, and speed. The truth is in the code.

Comprised of cylindrical glass microbeads measuring 240 microns in length by 28 microns in diameter, the VeraCode microbeads provide an ideal surface for numerous bioassays including genotyping, gene expression and protein-based assays. Illumina's proprietary technology precisely embeds digital holographic elements within each microbead to create unique bead types. When excited by a laser, each VeraCode bead emits a unique code image, allowing for quick and specific detection. Depending on desired multiplex levels, assays are created by pooling microbeads with code diversities from one to several hundred. VeraCode beads are highly stable and the digital coding provides customizable tracking of not only the target(s) of interest, but also of critical identifiers such as sample ID, laboratory ID, and reagent kits.

VeraCode’s technology highlights:

  • Unsurpassed multiplexing range
  • Robust performance and customizable tracking
  • Assay versatility
  • Rapid sample throughput
  • Two-color detection system

For more information on VeraCode, please view the article webpage.

