The VG-FAST96 - a 96-well solution for high throughput screening of PCR products from Scie-Plas

29 Aug 2007

The VG-FAST96 Vari-gel MAXI system is a fast high throughput solution for molecular genetic studies, allowing up to 96 single-strand polymorphisms (SSPs), 50 to 1000 base pairs in size, to be separated and screened within 30 minutes.

Benefits include: -

  • Six 17-sample combs - enable SSPs to be loaded onto the gel quickly, 8 at a time by multi-channel pipette, while a central marker lane allows both sets of 8 SSPs to be easily distinguished within each row
  • Compact gel tank - minimises the buffer volume required to cover the gel, maximising the voltage gradient and separation speed
  • Robust acrylic gel tray - fits conveniently on standard transilluminators for easy visualisation, while fluorescent numbering aids SNP recognition and traceability
  • Ideal for use - with 96-well microtitre plates or 96-well blocks of the TC-412 and TC-512 Techne® thermal cyclers, also available from Scie-Plas


  • Gel Size (W x L): 16 x 17.5cm
  • Buffer Volume: 950ml
  • Maximum Sample Capacity: 96 + 8
  • Comb Throughput: 17 samples; 2 x 8 loaded by multi-channel pipette; 1 x marker

