Theorem Clinical Research Puts Medical Device Expertise on Display at Outsourcing in Clinical Trials New England
24 Sept 2013
Theorem Clinical Research, one of the leading CROs in the medical device arena, will be in Boston for the Outsourcing in Clinical Trials New England conference, Oct. 1-2 at the Westin Boston Waterfront in Boston.
"A whole section of the agenda is devoted to medical devices and the industry-specific challenges sponsors face in gaining regulatory approval," said D. Lee Spurgin Jr., Ph.D., Theorem senior vice president and general manager of medical device and diagnostic development. "Theorem has made medical devices, diagnostics and drug-device combination products an area of specialization for many years, and we're eager to share our story with attendees."
Over the past two decades Theorem has performed scores of global medical device trials as well as dozens of drug-device combination trials. Theorem was one of the first CROs managing combination device programs for the development of drug-eluting cardiovascular stents more than 20 years ago.
"Today we are seeing significant growth in the number of medical device trials we are managing in the Asia-Pacific region," Spurgin said. "We think this shift represents important opportunities that developers should be considering."
Theorem will sponsor informal roundtable discussions at two morning coffee breaks, from 10:15-10:45 a.m. Oct. 1 and from 10:30-11 a.m. Oct. 2. Theorem's medical device capabilities will be the topic of discussion at the second coffee break.
Visitors to Theorem booth 27 will also be registered for a chance to win autographed Red Sox memorabilia.