Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces New Western Blotting Accessories

12 Oct 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Thermo Fisher Scientific introduceds Thermo Scientific SuperSignal Western Blot Enhancer and two varieties of Thermo Scientific SuperSignal Molecular Weight Protein Standards.

SuperSignal® Western Blot Enhancer increases signal intensity and sensitivity three- to ten-fold compared to conventional Western blotting methods.The solution significantly reduces background noise, allowing detection of antigens that are weakly immunoreactive or of low abundance. These features also minimize the number of overexposed x-ray films produced, saving researchers time.

SuperSignal Western Blot Enhancer can be used with both PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes and is compatible with fluorescent, chemiluminescent and chomogenic detection methods. The kit contains sufficient reagents for 25 mini-blots. A kit for two mini-blots is also available.

The ready-to-use SuperSignal Molecular Weight Protein Standards contain a mixture of eight recombinant proteins with molecular weights ranging from 150K to 20K. Each protein contains a IgG-binding site and the amounts are adjusted to yield comparable band intensities after gel electrophoresis and blotting. The standards contain a pink tracking dye to easily monitor electrophoresis. The SuperSignal Molecular Weight Standards are compatible with chemiluminescent, fluorescent and chromogenic Western blot detection methods.

The SuperSignal Enhanced Molecular Weight Protein Standards have the same properties as described above but are formulated specifically for use with mouse antibodies.
