Thermo Fisher Scientific Introduces Two New Western Blotting Kits for Fast Detection at Femtogram Levels

15 Feb 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Thermo Fisher Scientific today introduced the latest additions to its extensive line of fast Western blot detection products, the Thermo Scientific Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal® West Dura Substrate and the Pierce® Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal West Femto Substrate.

These new kits provide optimized reagents and protocols that decrease the time for Western blot detection from four hours to approximately 60 minutes, without loss in sensitivity. The kits require minimal hands-on time and require no specialized equipment.

The kits include popular varieties of SuperSignal Chemiluminescent Substrate, a highly sensitive enhanced substrate for detecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The SuperSignal West Dura Substrate’s intense signal output enables detection of femtogram amounts of antigen. The SuperSignal West Femto Substrate offers the highest level of sensitivity in the product line, achieving detection in the low to mid femtogram range of antigen.

Both Pierce Fast Western Blot Kits can be used with either nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes. The sensitivity, intensity and duration of the signal allow for easy documentation using photographic or other imaging methods. Blots can be repeatedly exposed to film to obtain optimal results or stripped of the immunodetection reagents and reprobed. Separate kits for use with either a mouse or rabbit primary antibody are available.

The kits are available in a trial size sufficient to perform two Western blots (8 x 10 cm). A larger kit with reagents for 10 Western blots is also available.
