Thermo Fisher Scientific launches novel flow cytometer with imaging capability

The Invitrogen Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer* enables researchers and cell therapy developers to collect fluorescent data and high resolution images

9 Jun 2021
Ellen Simms
Product and Reviews Editor

Thermo Fisher Scientific has announced the launch of the Invitrogen Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer, an imaging-enhanced flow cytometer, that combines acoustic focusing flow cytometry technology with a high-speed camera.

The Attune CytPix allows users to collect high-performance fluorescent flow cytometry data from cells while simultaneously capturing high resolution brightfield images, allowing users to match images with their flow cytometry data to better understand the morphology and quality of the cells.

The Invitrogen Attune CytPix Flow Cytometer is a user-friendly, modular benchtop instrument that enables researchers working in QA/QC or cell therapy applications to gather additional information about their cells and the sample quality while running flow cytometry experiments without sacrificing speed or simplicity.

“Previously, gathering cell images and high-performance flow cytometry data required two separate experiments, split samples and additional time correlating cell phenotypes with images,” said Valerie Bressler-Hill, vice president and general manager, Protein and Cell Analysis, Thermo Fisher Scientific. “The Attune CytPix combines these workflows to offer imaging enhanced flow cytometry. It represents a step forward in what customers should expect from their benchtop flow cytometers by providing additional sample and data quality control in a simple, easy to use format.”

* For Research Use Only

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