Thermo Fisher Scientific Launches Pierce<sup>®</sup> SILAC Protein Quantitation Kits

23 May 2007

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science introduces Thermo Scientific Pierce SILAC Protein Quantitation Kits for comprehensive identification, characterization and quantitation of proteins.

The new kits allow for isotopic labeling of the proteome for the analysis of relative protein abundance by mass spectrometry (MS), providing an all-in-one solution for the convenience of researchers in academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The Pierce SILAC (Stable Isotope Labeling with Amino Acids in Cell Culture) Protein Quantitation Kits provide significant advantages to proteomics researchers, including in vivo labeling that incorporates 13C- or 15N-labeled amino acids directly into proteins using normal cellular metabolism of living cells. This strategy provides 100% label incorporation into proteins prior to digestion. These kits include Thermo Scientific HyClone® Media, heavy and light amino acids, and HyClone Dialyzed Serum in a single convenient package. The SILAC Protein Quantitation Kits will be displayed at the downtown Marriott Ballroom 5, daily from 7-10 p.m. during the 55th Annual ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry.

The Pierce SILAC Kits enable quantitation of protein expression levels between differentially treated cell populations. This is made possible because the heavy and light amino acids are chemically identical to each other, yet isotopically distinct. By employing high resolution analysis with the Thermo Scientific LTQ-FT Ultra and LTQ Orbitrap, the differentially expressed proteins are detected by high resolution MS analysis based on relative peak intensity.

The Pierce SILAC Kits are compatible for use with mammalian cell lines adapted to grow in either HyQ® DMEM or RPMI-1640 media, including HeLa, 293T, COS7, U2OS, A549, A431, Hep-G2, NIH 3T3, Jurkats and others. When combined with Thermo Scientific Protein/Peptide Sample Enrichment Products, the Pierce SILAC Protein Quantitation Kits also enable MS analysis of low-abundance, cell-surface and organelle-specific proteins and post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation or glycosylation.

For more information on the Thermo Scientific Pierce SILAC Protein Quantitation Kits, please visit booth #54 at the 55th Annual ASMS Conference in Indianapolis on June 3-7.

