Thermo Fisher Scientific Offers New ChIP Kt for the Study of Gene Regulation and Epigenetics

18 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Thermo Fisher Scientific introduces the Thermo Scientific Pierce Agarose ChIP Kit for fast and reproducible chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. ChIP assays monitor transcription regulation through histone modification or transcription factor-DNA binding interactions. The ChIP technique captures a snapshot of specific protein-DNA interactions as they occur in living cells.

The Pierce® Agarose ChIP Assay Kit contains all reagents to perform a successful ChIP assay using mammalian cells or tissue. The specially titrated and tested micrococcal nuclease evenly digests the DNA, eliminating the variability that results from using sonication. The specially blocked ChIP Grade Pierce Protein A/G Plus Agarose Resin provides high binding capacity and low background. The fast procedure uses convenient spin columns for the immunoprecipitation, wash and elution steps, minimizing sample loss. The kit is compatible with any ChIP-grade antibody

Each Pierce Agarose ChIP Assay Kit contains sufficient reagents for 30 reactions. The Chromatin Prep Module, ChIP Protein A/G Plus Agarose and Proteinase K are also available separately.
