Thermo Introduces a Rapid Mixing Accessory for Fast Kinetics Measurements

31 Aug 2006
David Wechler

Thermo Electron Corporation, the world leader in analytical instrumentation, announces the launch of a new Rapid Mixing accessory. Designed for use with Thermo’s Evolution™ 300 UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the Rapid Mixing accessory offers scientists reliable and precise measurement of fast reaction kinetics.

When coupled with Thermo’s Evolution 300, the Rapid Mixing accessory allows scientists to make kinetic measurements nearly 1000 times faster than allowed by manual reagent mixing. With a data collection rate of 50 points per second, the Evolution 300 allows researchers of any discipline to measure reactions on a millisecond timescale giving researchers access to previously hidden reaction mechanisms. For more information about Thermo’s Rapid Mixing accessory, please visit the article's webpage.

Featuring a low dead time of 8 ms, Thermo’s Rapid Mixing accessory allows users to precisely measure reactions on the millisecond timescale. These measurements are not possible using traditional techniques and regular cuvettes, as the reactants physically cannot be mixed fast enough. This extremely low dead time, combined with an acquisition rate of 50 points/sec, ensures reliable and precise data collection. Furthermore, electronic triggering precisely identifies the start of a reaction enhancing the quality of the data and the accuracy of the rates measured.

It is important when carrying out kinetic measurements to precisely control and monitor the temperature of the reactants in loading syringes as well as in the reaction component delivery lines supplying the flowcell. Thermo’s Rapid Mixing accessory is equipped with a thermocouple to measure the temperature of liquid surrounding the reactants and benefits from a user-adjustable alarm. Additionally, this Rapid Mixing accessory features an automated pneumatic drive mechanism. This provides an air-assisted, mechanical system to start the measurement; eliminating the possibilities of human error and allowing scientists to perform very fast and precise mixing of reactants, which is critical when measuring high performance kinetics.

Thermo’s Evolution 300 is equipped with VISIONpro™, a flexible software package designed for the general research and QC laboratories. VISIONlife™ software adds the ability to monitor and calculate reaction kinetics as well as perform DNA melting experiments.

