Thermo Launches TSQ Quantum™ Access Mass Spectrometer for Highly Sensitive Environmental and Food Safety Analyses

1 Jun 2006

Thermo Electron Corporation, world leader in analytical instrumentation, announces the TSQ Quantum Access, the newest addition to its innovative TSQ Quantum Series of triple quadrupole mass spectrometers.

Designed for fast, efficient and confident sample analysis in the environmental and food safety markets, Quantum Access features a m/z 30 to 3000 mass range and the ability to monitor over 300 different analytes for multi-compound screening. The TSQ Quantum Access features QED-MS/MS (Quantitation Enhanced by Data-dependant MS/MS) that simultaneously performs quantitative analysis and generates rich product ion spectra for compound identification.

"The Quantum Access was developed to specifically meet the needs for routine and reliable high sensitivity quantitation in the environmental and food safety markets," says Rohan Thakur, TSQ product manager, Thermo Electron.

Additional features include:

  • FAIMS (High-field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry) option. A revolutionary atmospheric pressure ion source technique that significantly increases sensitivity for quantitative analysis.
  • H-SRM (Highly Selective Reaction Monitoring). This analytical application helps to further eliminate chemical noise and reduce the generation of false positives, and allows lower detection limits.
  • Fast positive negative switching. Enables quick and efficient acquisition, data processing and results delivery.
  • Proven data processing and reporting.

When H-SRM is combined with patented FAIMS technology, users achieve significant improvements in selectivity and assay robustness on triple quadrupole instruments.

