Thermo Offers Extensive, New FT-IR and Raman Spectral Libraries Catalog

2 Mar 2006

Thermo Electron Corporation, the market leader in analytical instrumentation, announces the availability of an information-rich catalog offering quick access to unique, high quality collections of FT-IR and Raman spectral libraries.

The newly released catalog details large and comprehensive collections of compounds including the most common chemicals found in the “Aldrich Handbook of Fine Chemicals” and the “Sigma Biochemical Condensed Phase Library”, and is especially useful to scientists analyzing unknown samples. Several industry- and application-specific compounds, such as those for petroleum products, food and fragrance production, and forensics — to name only a few — are included in this comprehensive catalog.

Concurrent with the release of this catalog is a newly revised format of the and websites, which offer instant online access to a searchable broad collection of over 71,000 FT-IR and almost 16,000 Raman spectra using a standard web browser. The libraries are available in a flexible pay-as-you-go format meaning that no long-term commitment is required. Users control how much they pay based on the frequency and volume of their spectral searches, with an easily affordable fee is charged to review each search result.

Thermo is the only FT-IR and Raman vendor that fully develops, sells, services and offers online access to its own library collections. In addition, Thermo assists customers when they need new libraries to expand their research or have questions regarding spectra or searching techniques. Data in each library is specifically designed to work with Thermo’s FT-IR and Raman instruments and software out-of-the-box without the need to buy or install extra software.

