Thermo’s FT-IR Spectrometers Achieve Rapid, Reliable Analyses of Biodiesel Content in Blends

23 Oct 2006

Thermo Electron Corporation, world leader in analytical instrumentation, announces a new biodiesel application for its Nicolet™ 380 and Nicolet 6700 Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrometers.

When coupled with Thermo’s Smart ARK™ Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) accessory, these instruments are capable of conducting fast and accurate analyses of biodiesel content in fuel blends. Thermo’s new application responds to the needs of biodiesel producers, governmental laboratories, engine manufacturers and process companies using soy, corn, palm and feedstock products by performing optimum quality assurance checks.

With the introduction of strict directives form the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) it is becoming more and more important for biodiesel companies to comply with these regulations. These regulations cover the use of pure biodiesel for blending with petrodiesel in levels of up to 20% by volume. Achieving fast and precise results, Thermo’s biodiesel application by FT-IR aids compliance and enables results at the click of a mouse. Analyses can be carried out simply and efficiently by laboratory technicians, without the need for experts or additional training.

Thermo’s ATR accessory includes a choice of crystals, facilitating the switch between low and high biodiesel blends. Additionally, the accessory features minimal sample preparation, easy clean up, and the ability to switch between crystals without optical re-alignment.

