Tissue Grinder Collection from Kimble Chase

19 Oct 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Kimble Chase has put together a broad line of tissue grinders making it easier for researchers to find and use the best tool for the tasks. The new range of tissue grinders includes a variety of configurations of material, texture, size and design.

For potentially hazardous samples, CS1 and CS2 Closed System tissue grinders homogenize samples within a sealed container minimizing risk of exposure. Both systems utilize glass-filled polypropylene tips that are suitable for different applications. The molded tip on CS1 grinders is suitable for soft tissue, while CS2 grinders have a vitrified surface for fibrous tissues.

Available in 15 mL or 50 mL conical tubes with fully assembled pestles and caps, the grinders are gamma sterilized and shipped in easy to open Tyvek® packaging.

For cellular work in which the nucleus remains intact after homogenization, Kimble Chase provides Dounce style grinders. These all-glass grinders are comprised of a large clearance pestle for initial sample reduction and smaller clearance pestle for preparing the final homogenate. All-glass DUALL®
grinders combine both conical and cylindrical surfaces and are ideal for connective tissue such as
muscle, heart and lung with pestles strong enough to be motor driven. Other tissue grinder styles include Potter-Elvehjem grinders, which are designed for a motor drive using a Kimble Chase 788000
homogenizer adapter and Tenbroeck ground-glass grinders. A tissue grinder kit is also available,
containing a variety of glass, PTFE and microscale tissue grinders packaged in a convenient high-density polyethylene case with die cut foam inserts that protect grinders in transit and in storage.

Pellet Pestle® disposable tissue grinders for DNA and RNA applications are made of autoclavable blue polypropylene and are supplied with matching microtubes.

