Titration Touch Control Screen – Brings “The Magic Touch” to your laboratory

19 Jun 2006
Kerry Parker

In many QC and process control laboratories unskilled staff are often asked to perform analytical tests on instruments that even the most skilled operators would find difficult to use.

Much has already been said and written about the interface between man and machine. The Touch Control of a state of the art titrator presents a modern solution that will convince you. There is no need for a computer, thus saving even more bench space.

The Touch Control is an ergonomic and modern operating element. You can hold it in your hand, place it on the laboratory bench or use a holder to attach it to a stand or the wall in order to save space and protect it from chemicals.

The colour display informs you about the instrument status and offers you uniquely comfortable and intuitive user guidance.

Keys can be locked out so much of the analysis can be completed with just one button press.

The Touch Control is equipped with two PCMCIA interfaces that accept commercially available storage media such as Compact Flash cards. This means that you always have sufficient memory space available for your methods, data and system backups. Access control is possible with the Personal Keycard.

The titrator itself offers the following features and benefits;

Potentiometric Titration
The Titrando supports the titration modes DET (Dynamic Equivalence point Titration), MET (Monotonic Equivalence point Titration) and SET (titration to one or two preset endpoints). This covers all potentiometric titrations.

Ion Meter
With the measuring mode MEAS not only pH, potential and temperature can be measured; the direct determination of the concentration with ion-sensitive electrodes is also possible.

Comprehensive liquid handling
Basic daily laboratory operations such as pipetting, transferring, dosing, dispensing and diluting become child's play thanks to the new liquid handling functions of the Dosing Interface. No matter whether you connect the Dosino directly to the Titrando or carry out the operations via the USB Sample Processor, both systems guarantee the highest accuracy and precision in the range from 10 µL to 100 mL, i.e. across four orders of magnitude.

Measuring Input
The Titrando is fitted with a newly developed measuring interface. This consists of one high-impedance and one polarized measuring input, a separate reference input and an input for a Pt 1000 or NTC temperature sensor. The resolution of the inputs is 0.1 mV or 0.001 pH. Up to two galvanically separated measuring interfaces can be installed.

MSB connection
The new Metrohm Serial Bus (MSB) has been developed for controlling peripheral devices. With the four built-in MSBs up to 4 Dosinos or Dosimats, 4 magnetic or rod stirrers and 4 Remote Boxes for automation can be controlled. This means that the Titrando is the most modular and flexible titration system on the market. Plug and play functionality saves having to configure peripheral devices manually. Just plug it in - the Titrando automatically recognizes the device that has been connected.

USB connection
Two USB – ports are available for communication with balances and printers. This opens up the world of USB-capable color printers for printing out reports and other USB-capable devices. Laboratory balances can be connected via an RS-232 converter.

The Dosino – space-saving device
Titration is really just intelligent dosing. With the Titrando dosing takes place with Dosino and Dosing Unit that can be screwed directly onto the reagent bottle. This means that dosing requires no more benchtop space than the reagent bottle itself. The Dosino is provided with the most modern electronics and micromechanisms and impresses with its pleasing appearance. The Dosing Unit can be exchanged in no time at all. It is also intelligent, as it is equipped with a datachip containing all the information about the reagent and Dosing Unit that is required for the titration. These are available for the Titrando. Each Dosing Unit has its own serial and cylinder numbers and is supplied with an individual certificate.

Automation without limits
Increasing numbers of samples, time-consuming sample preparation steps and unattended overnight operation quickly justify the use of a sample changer. The Titrando has the necessary intelligence for controlling sample changers. No matter whether large or small sample capacities, one or two work stations, measuring out the sample, sample preparation, liquid handling, rinsing and calibrating the electrodes – the new USB Sample Processors offer a high degree of automation for low investment costs.

For trouble free, easy to use titration instrumentation you need to look no further than Metrohm. THE FIRST 5 PEOPLE BOOKING A DEMONSTRATION OF THE TITRANDO WILL RECEIVE A USB DATA STICK!

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