Top European Service Provider GATC Biotech Ramps Up Its Fleet of Next-Gen Sequencers with Second Genome Sequencer FLX System from Roche

15 Apr 2008

454 Life Sciences, a centre of excellence of Roche Applied Science, today announced that GATC Biotech, one of Europe’s leading sequencing service providers, has acquired a second Genome Sequencer FLX System. GATC Biotech's decision to add an additional Genome Sequencer FLX System to its service offering was based both on soaring demand for ultra high-throughput sequencing services as well as the goal to set new industry standards in terms of turn around time, and quality of results.

“Having two Genome Sequencer FLX Systems available enables us to execute very demanding sequencing projects on short notice and handle production peaks much better. For example, we are able to run one instrument with a paired-end application and the other one with single reads,” said Thomas Pohl, explaining the company’s decision for the new acquisition. “Timely production of high quality data is crucial if you want to be a reliable sequencing partner to industry and academia.”

With two Genome Sequencer FLX Systems, GATC Biotech will be able to support a wide variety of sequencing projects including de novo sequencing and re-sequencing of genomes, metagenomics, RNA analysis, and targeted sequencing of DNA regions of interest. One Genome Sequencer FLX system generates 400,000 reads with an average read length of 250 base pairs, resulting in 100 million base pairs in only 7.5 hours. With more than 160 peer-reviewed publications, the Genome Sequencer FLX System is the most productive next-generation sequencing platform available, delivering researchers high quality, comprehensive results.

“We are impressed by the growth of GATC Biotech’s sequencing business, which reflects their dedication to customers. By doubling 454 Sequencing capacity, GATC Biotech is responding to the strong demand for long reads and high quality results at an affordable price point,” said Chris McLeod, President of 454 Life Sciences, a member of the Roche Group. “GATC Biotech’s addition of a second Genome Sequencer FLX System demonstrates the platform’s status as a sequencing standard.”
