Total and free PSA (PSA/fPSA) assays now available for the Olympus AU3000i immunoassay analyser

18 Aug 2008

Olympus is pleased to announce the launch of highly sensitive and precise PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) and fPSA assays for the Olympus AU3000i immunoassay analyser. The use of PSA and fPSA is well established in the screening and management of prostate cancer. Olympus is joining this market with an extremely sensitive PSA assay with a functional sensitivity of 0.015 µg/L. In the monitoring of patients after prostate cancer treatment, an ultra sensitive PSA assay is essential for the detection of recurrence of the disease.

A recent multicentre evaluation of the analytical performance of the new Olympus PSA assay on the AU3000i has been undertaken involving the University Hospital Munich Großhadern, the Hospital Nürnberg, and the C.H.U Montpellier. This study has demonstrated that the Olympus PSA assay showed ‘very good functional sensitivity’ and that the assay meets user needs and is suitable for use in the quantitative determination of PSA in human serum and lithium heparin plasma. The lowest detectable PSA level was determined to be 0.0025µg/L, with an outstanding functional sensitivity measured at 0.015µg/L.

The Olympus PSA and fPSA assays utilise a two step immunometric design. This minimises the risk of high-dose-hook, thus ensuring that even the measurement of samples with highly elevated PSA levels will generate appropriate results. No high-dose-hook has been observed at PSA concentrations up to 160.000µg/L.

With the launch of both PSA and fPSA, Olympus completes another major test panel for the AU3000i. The primary tumour marker panel includes AFP, CEA, PSA, and fPSA - these assays account for approximately 70% of the tumour marker workload performed in a laboratory. Additionally, Olympus offers the specialist tumour markers GI-TC and BR-TC, and further tumour markers are planned for the future.

“Olympus prides itself on delivering highly robust, reliable and sensitive immunoassays and we see our new ultra sensitive PSA assay to be a flagship assay for us,” comments Peter Szillat, Commercial Marketing Manager, Immunoassay at Olympus. “This, in combination with outstanding system performance and our world-class thyroid panel, is ensuring that the AU3000i is proving itself to be a winning immunoassay system.”

