Total integration for high speed, high quality results – The new Ti series provides a central resource for live cell imaging

1 Nov 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Nikon, a pioneer of inverted microscopy, will launch its latest innovation, the Ti Series, on November 3rd, at the annual Neuroscience conference in San Diego, USA. Available in three distinct models, the Ti range combines rapid system speed with a flexible design incorporating capabilities including confocal, TIRF, fluorescence and Nikon’s patented Perfect Focus System (PFS) into one powerful integrated unit set to expand and advance current live cell imaging research.

Offering faster acquisition times and unparalleled levels of accuracy, the Ti platform has been designed in close collaboration with the industry’s leading cell biologists and presents the field with a versatile new tool. The Ti-E is now the first microscope system to incorporate optimised synchronised switching, dramatically improving total system performance. All component parts, including PFS, are integrated within a central hub and intelligently controlled through Nikon’s NIS elements software. This therefore enhances the speed of operation, minimises component movement and greatly improves experimental accuracy.

Complementing the range, the Ti-S and Ti-U derivatives are ideal for researchers requiring less advanced systems with a lower level of integration, and are specifically indicated for use in more routine laboratory work, such as tissue culturing.

Set to be the ultimate, fully motorised, inverted microscope, Robert Forster, General Manager, Nikon Instruments UK comments on the launch of the Ti Series, “Use of our inverted microscope has led to some of the most exciting scientific breakthroughs of the twenty-first century. We are confident that this legacy will be continued, and that further important discoveries will be made possible with our newest platform, the Ti Series.”

