Trending eBooks: Analytical approaches for cannabis quality assurance

Do you want to improve how you assess cannabis quality? Here are 3 expert guides to advance your analytical skills and better ensure cannabis quality assurance

22 Feb 2023
Carrie Haslam
Associate Editor

Since there are now a growing number of products available in the medical cannabis market, quality control is more important than ever before. Cannabis quality assurance has become a critical component of the cannabis industry, helping companies to ensure that consumers receive safe, reliable, effective, and high-quality products on a consistent basis.

Cannabis is a complex plant that contains over 500 chemical substances - including cannabinoids and terpenes. These chemicals have the potential to significantly benefit health, while also having the capability of causing determinantal effects on the body. This is why it’s vital that manufacturers meet stringent standards and adhere to strict regulations to ensure cannabis quality assurance, protect consumers, and deliver safe products. Manufacturers and cannabis producers must regularly test their products for contaminants, such as pesticides, heavy metals, mold, and alike. Effective and accurate analysis of cannabis products will help to ensure all consumers receive safe products on a consistent basis. By testing products for consistency, manufacturers can build consumer confidence in their products, while serving as a trustworthy provider of cannabis products.

To help ensure cannabis quality assurance, we have selected 3 of our trending analytical eBooks to help our scientists analyze cannabis with more accuracy than ever before. These expert guides have been designed to assist readers in complying with regulatory standards, outline how to deliver reliable chemicals and consumables, and explore how to best perform cannabinoid potency testing and purification.

Cannabis quality assurance: 3 must-read eBook guides

1. Underpinning the cannabis industry with quality-assured chemicals: Meeting regulatory requirements is a challenge for the cannabis industry, but if we factor in the need for chemical ingredients from third party suppliers, the challenges become even greater. Download this free resource to learn about the Spectrum Chemical product portfolio and how this company provides trusted chemicals and consumables for suppliers at any stage of the cannabis production pipeline.

Download this eBook to also find out more about:

  • Key considerations for success in the sourcing of chemical ingredients and consumables.
  • The challenges associated with medicine production in the industry.

2. Guide to implementing cannabinoid potency testing: Reliable and effective methods for cannabinoid potency testing in consumer products are needed to meet regulatory requirements that differ widely across countries. Download this eBook to learn how to overcome sample preparation setbacks and the technical challenges of cannabinoid content testing using LC/UV instruments.

Download this eBook to also find out more about:

  • Key methods and technologies that enable the effective determination of cannabinoid content.
  • How to best ensure product safety and adequate labeling.

3. A guide to efficient and greener cannabinoid purification: Centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) is one technique that promises real solutions, which can serve the needs of laboratory and small-scale development work through to the bioprocessing of end products at full industrial scale. In this eBook, we look at several applications of CPC solutions to help users understand the versatility and benefits of this technology.

Download this eBook to also find out more about:

  • Learn how CPC operates.
  • Discover how CPC can be harnessed in the high-throughput purification of multiple cannabinoids.

Have you used any instruments that have helped with your own work in cannabis quality assurance? Share your experience with our community of scientists and write a review today!

