Triple Monochromator Spectrometer for Raman Analysis

Triple spectrometer with adjustable bandwidth, edge-slope and UV wavelength capability more useful for spectroscopy research and experimental science

22 Dec 2017
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

McPherson, a manufacturer of precision optical systems for spectroscopy and science applications, has announced a new optical system. It is a triple monochromator ideal for making Raman, photoluminescence and Thomson scattering measurements in a variety of ways. The triple configuration allows users to create a bandpass ‘notch’ of select wavelengths and disperse onto sensitive CCD or other array detector. The width and slope of the notches edges can be tailored for the user’s application. For ultimate throughput, McPherson also offers the triple monochromator with astigmatic optics for point to point imaging.

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The McPherson triple monochromator uses exclusively reflective optics and is capable of working deep into the ultraviolet, below 190 nanometers if necessary. It is efficient. The triple can be equipped with many different diffraction gratings and works fast as f/5. That is more light gathering power than many single spectrometers!

For Raman applications the rejection edge can be set close as 4cm-1 from Rayleigh scatter. "We got some pretty amazing data…" remarks Prof. D. Reznik of the Time resolved Raman Spectroscopy and Neutron Scattering Lab, University of Colorado. Prof. Reznik studies new physics in quantum materials, such as superconductivity, electronic ordering, thermoelectricity, metal-insulator transitions etc. The triple monochromators tunable wavelength, deep ultraviolet capability and adjustable notch are useful for research and experimental science. At McPherson, it’s all in a day’s work.

