TriStar – the amazing multimode plate reader

3 Nov 2006

Berthold Technologies is ready to present the new multimode microplate reader TriStar LB 941. The innovative instrument opens new opportunities for users in biomedical research.

Similar to Mithras LB 940, the flagship within the multi technology area, TriStar LB 941 contains optimized optical paths for the reading technologies absorbance, luminescence and fluorescence. Hence TriStar has detection sensitivities known from dedicated instruments.

Like in Mithras optical emission filters can be used in TriStar´s luminescence optics to measure BRET (e.g. functional assays for GPCR research) and multicolour luciferases (reporter gene assays). The unit is equipped with a universal and low noise detector – besides the photo diode for absorbance reading – for fluorescence and luminescence measurements.

TriStar can be supplemented with up to 4 reagent injectors – based on the proven and highly precise JET technology – and a temperature control unit for the microplates. That offers extensive opportunities to the users to perform a huge number of applications including enzyme activities, phagocytosis, calcium flux, cell viability, apoptosis, immuno assays, protein and DNA determinations or protein-protein interactions.

For higher throughput TriStar LB 941 can equipped with the Stacker unit LB 931 or the BUTLER LB 930 plate handler or it can be integrated into a laboratory automation system.

