Ultraviolet Photon Excitation

15 Jul 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

McPherson, Inc. a manufacturer of instruments for spectral testing announces a new, open-architecture light source system for product and performance testing in varied long- and short-wavelength ultraviolet regions. The Ultraviolet Photon Excitation system provides ready, in-laboratory access to the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) for material analysis, spectral calibration and photo-excitation spectroscopy. The system interface uses standard vacuum seal flanges. Specify metal-seal or quick-flange types for easiest installation on existing or new experiments. Systems Rugged support structures and vacuum and gauging as required are provided with systems. Components level solutions are also optionally available.

The Ultraviolet Excitation System combines properties of a computer optimized, all-reflective, spectrally tunable monochromator with high power Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2) window Deuterium and/or windowless hollow cathode light source. The McPherson system is available for complex applications requiring tunable wavelengths in the Extreme and Deep Ultraviolet. The monochromator (McPherson Model 234/302) provides independent control of central wavelength from ~30 to 500nm and spectral bandwidth, depending on implementation, from 0.1 to 10nm fwhm. Optical reflection coatings are optimized differently for applications targeting longer than 100nm, Deep and Vacuum UV, or those for the Extreme Ultraviolet wavelengths, shorter than 100nm. Emission source to monochromator coupling is by reflective condenser using vacuum-UV efficient, high incident angles. Light source emission wavelengths include 30.4nm, 58.4nm, 73.7nm, 102nm, 121.6nm, etc.

Accessories increase power density at the photo-excitation focal point or provide beam delivery over longer distances. Light delivery to the samples is by reflective optics tailored to either collimate or focus. Collimated output beams are about 15mm diameter. Collimation depends on diffraction grating angle. For systems with limited wavelength range of interest, refractive focusing is available. McPherson will interact with customers to set up optimal light delivery to product test stations and existing or new test and experimental chambers.

