Union Biometrica, Inc. to Showcase COPAS™ Large Particle Flow Cytometers at LabAutomation 2010

20 Jan 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Union Biometrica, Inc. will be demonstrating the COPAS™ Large Particle Flow Cytometers. These instruments can analyze, sort and dispense objects that are too large (20-1, 500 micron) or too fragile for traditional flow cytometers. Samples are analyzed one by one in a continuously flowing stream and can be sorted based on size, optical density and up to three fluorescent parameters. Visit booth 136 to find out more.

Typical samples include:
• small multicellular model organisms (C.elegans, D.melanogaster, Zebrafish)
• delicate large cells / cell clusters (adipocytes, embryoid bodies, pancreatic islets, duct cells, hepatocytes)
• seeds (Arabidopsis, tobacco)
• beads (cells growing in or on beads, combi-chem libraries, bead based assays).

Choose between 3 instrument platforms:
• Traditional COPAS™ - 4 instruments, each dedicated to a specific size range.
• COPAS HTS – adds automation features for seamless integration with plate handlers, etc for high throughput screening.
• BioSorter™ - NEW for CORE labs that need the complete 20 – 1500 micron range in a single shared instrument.

Examples of applications include rapid dispensing into micro-titer plates for assay preparation, population enrichment prior to further experiments, isolation of rare events, and quantification of fluorescence levels of each object.

