Unistat Tango Nuevo – The New Dimension

2 May 2006

Temperature control moves forward. With the new Tango Nuevo, Peter Huber Kaeltemaschinenbau rings in a new era of temperature control technology.

The purpose of the continued development of the Tango Technology is the optimisation of actual temperature control processes. The driving force behind these technical innovations is the requests and ideas from the members of the worldwide Tango Club.

Achieving higher purities with better, predictable, and reproducible results, while using less materials, will give customers a greater Return on Investment (ROI), that will be further increased by lower operating costs.

Modern materials, new technologies and production processes, combined with our specialised knowledge and experience have advanced Tango Technology to a new higher level.

The original (Tango) Principle has not changed despite the improvements achieved. The simple, proven Tango Technology remains the same. Based on passive components, and proven simple physical laws, it is highly reliable withthout the use of troublesome active components! Each individual component allows the user the best possible process control and operation.

Variable Pressure Control has been developed to protect glass reactors from the risk of damage caused by high jacket fluid pressure. The user can set a maximum inlet pressure limit. This pressure will be controlled using either an internal pressure sensor or an optional, external pressure sensor.

The viscosity of heat transfer fluid changes when it is heated and cooled. Using the controllable pressure pump, the fluid pressure can be held below the limits of the application.

The maximum, uncontrolled pressure is 1,2bar. The maximum achievable flow rate is 45 litres per minute.

Colour, TFT Touchscreen display The colour TFT display on the Unistat Pilot Control panel shows the complete range of relevant information. The graphic display allows the real-time display of dynamic information during temperature control. The process temperature, internal jacket temperature, pump pressure and other information can be quickly and easily read.

The menu driven operation is simple and intuitive for the user.Function are arranged in plain text, in alphabetical order. The Unistat Pilot software can simulate the operation and functions of the previous version, so that existing Unistat users can also get going quickly. Selections and entries can be made using the Touchscreen, the Soft Keys (changing with the menu), the rotary control knob, or a combination of the three methods.

True Adaptive Control (TAC)

Most PID controllers operate under the principle that the control parameters are automatically adapted to give rapid temperature control with minimum overshoot.

The TAC technology goes a step further. The control parameters are continuously, automatically optimised by constantly monitoring feedback from the application.

The application determines if the temperature control is to be damped or highly dynamic. With damped control the temperature control is not to go above or below the setpoint. Dynamics are important for exothermic reactions. The controller can quickly react to the changes in the external load with the minimum of overshoot.

M24x1.5 Fluid connections

The minimal pressure drop with the large hose connections improve the overall fluid flow. The reduced resistance enables flow rates up to 45 lpm. This has a significant effect on heat energy transfer and enables fast process control reaction times.

Adaptors to M16x1 are supplied with the unit so that existing applications can be used without any modifications.

Supply and Return Pt100 temperature sensors

Measuring both the supply and return fluid temperatures provides valuable information to the controller. The system can more quickly detect sudden changes in temperature and energy transfer, and change the control response as required.

Natural Refrigerants

Environment protection is becoming more important and is being given a high priority by many customers. As an option, the Unistat Tango Nuevo can be supplied charged with natural refrigerants that have no greenhouse effect.

Combox – Communication without limits

The Combox connections are configured to NAMUR standards. The increased communications capability makes the Tango Nuevo even more flexible.

After 15 years of successful market leadership, the Tango Nuevo rings in a new era of temperature control technology. The flagship of the new temperature control fleet is now available for delivery.

