Upcoming Webinar - Automated Analysis of Volatile Organic Contaminants in Water
Register now for this upcoming webinar on VOCs and SVOCs which is taking place on October 22, 2018
15 Oct 2018
Water is the most regulated substance people consume, and it can contain a wide range of contaminants including volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs), across a wide range of concentrations. These are commonly analyzed by GC–MS after appropriate sample preparation and extraction of target analytes.
This webinar will highlight the best practices and benefits of using a single platform for the automated unattended trace analysis of VOCs and SVOCs by GC–MS. Examples will be shown using a variety of sampling techniques, both via headspace or via direct immersion in the water, to handle large sample quantities and reach the low detection limits required in many countries.
Register NowKey learning objectives:
- How modern laboratories can keep up with the challenges of ever lowering detection limits for VOCs and SVOC in environmental samplers
- How single digit-ppt quantitation limits can be achieved for odorants and other VOCs in water in an unattended fashion
- How the use of cryogenic-free trapping technology extends the applicability of conventional headspace and SPME sampling for GC–MS analysis
- How automated high-capacity sorptive extraction, compatible with both immersive and HS sampling, facilitates VOC and SVOC analysis in liquids and solids
Who should attend:
- Lab managers and GC–MS users from water distribution companies and wastewater treatment plants
- Environmental agencies and water regulation authorities interested in expanding their lab sampling and automation capabilities
- Chemical and general-production companies, looking at actively monitoring their VOC and SVOC environmental discharges