UV-1800 spectrophotometer – the new perfect all-rounder

8 Oct 2008
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Shimadzu, one of the world-leaders in analytical instrumentation, has released a new workhorse onto the fields of spectroscopy. The new UV-VIS spectrophotometer UV-1800 achieves the highest resolution in its class of 1 nm, and easily satisfies the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia. The UV-1800 is suitable for water analysis and quality control in environmental laboratories as well as in food and pharmaceutical industries.

The optical system using a blazed holographic grating with a Czerny-Turner monochromator is compactly designed to provide highest light throughput. Stray light, wavelength repeatability and baseline stability have also been advanced to meet user require¬ments in the laboratories of many industries.

The new Shimadzu UV-1800 is the follow-up model to the success¬ful UV-1700. Due to its very small footprint, the UV-1800 is one of the most compact instruments in its class and allows installation even in tight spaces. In comparison to the UV-1700, the required space has decreased by about 20%.

The UV-1800 is designed as a perfect all-rounder and can be used either as stand-alone or as a PC-controlled instrument. The onboard software includes photometric measurements, spectrum scan, quan-titation, kinetics and biomethods. Based on its new compact design and improved performance specifications, the UV-1800 has been developed to be even more user-friendly.

USB memory can be connected directly to UV-1800. Users can analyze data on a PC using UVProbe software. In addition, data for spectra and time-course curves can be displayed and saved with commercial spreadsheet software. Printing is possible using printers supporting ESC/P, PCL, and USB I/F control codes. Using UVProbe software (provided as standard with this instrument) en¬ables control of the UV-1800 with a PC.
