UV/Visible Spectrophotometers on the seven seas

8 Nov 2006
Kerry Parker

In our modern times the protection of our environment is becoming more important and one growing area of testing relates to the bulk shipment of chemical products by sea.

L&I Maritime Ltd have developed an analysis system based upon a UV-Visible spectrophotometer from WPA Ltd which enables vessels to accurately monitor the tank cleaning / cargo tank preparation before the carriage of sensitive chemical products.

By precisely controlling the tank cleaning processes, it is possible to reduce the amount of washing residues, minimise waste disposal, minimise the amount of detergent and solvent based cleaning materials required and reduce the amount of time required to carry out the cleaning process. All of which significantly contribute to a safer, less wasteful and more environmentally aware process which modern ship owners of today are working towards.

The ability of the instrument to be able to measure UV absorbance also enables the ship owners to monitor the quality of the cargo during the loading process and after the vessel has been fully loaded. This information provides a traceable chain of analytical results that can significantly reduce the likelihood of cargo contamination.

The Lightwave II diode array UV/Visible spectrophotometer is ideally suited to this application offering easy to use software, stored application methods and flexible sample handling. The instrument has no moving parts and a long life Xenon source ensuring long term reliability. Visit the article webpage for more information.

