VACUSAFE comfort selected for inclusion with molecular diagnostic kits

7 Apr 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

GENOMICA S.A.U (Madrid, Spain) has invested in a first batch of 50 VACUSAFE comfort units from INTEGRA Biosciences AG for inclusion as a productive and safe sample preparation tool for their innovative, high-throughput molecular diagnostic kits.

GENOMICA S.A.U is a leading developer of high-throughput molecular diagnostics tests for a range of genomic applications. Using their proprietary CLART® clinical arrays technology, the company has successfully launched in-vitro diagnostic tests for the genotyping of HPV (human papilloma virus), the simultaneous detection of 17 types and subtypes of respiratory viruses and the detection of SNPs that are predisposed to bone metabolic alterations.

After an exhaustive evaluation process - GENOMICA elected to implement VACUSAFE comfort as the personal laboratory vacuum system included with CLART® diagnostic test kits to enable customers to rapidly and safely aspirate samples, reagents and buffers from the test tubes with incorporated DNA arrays.

Mr Bataller, International Sales Director at GENOMICA commented "VACUSAFE uniquely combined affordability and high vacuum capability enabling us to rapidly and safely aspirate supernatant liquids from our CLART® diagnostic tests". He added "the ease of use & the elegant design of the VACUSAFE comfort fit very nicely with our CLART® diagnostic test kits".

VACUSAFE comfort makes aspiration of hazardous liquids very safe, user-friendly and flexible. The compact, all-in-one vacuum system incorporates low-noise pump, shatterproof collection bottle and hand operator. With its adapters, removal of liquids is possible from virtually any container. It is extremely simple to operate - switch on, set the required vacuum and start working. Unlike most "home-made" aspiration systems, the VACUSAFE comfort has several important safety features like the liquid level sensor and the two hydrophobic filters that block potentially dangerous aerosols. VACUSAFE comfort is the laboratory vacuum of choice for a growing range of life science applications where gentle and controlled removal of supernatants is required. Such applications include the removal of supernatant liquids from DNA extractions, centrifuged magnetic beads, immunoprecipitated proteins and from ELISA reactions.

