Vacuum Compatible Beam Expanders for Achieving Higher Power Density

Optical Surfaces Ltd. reports on growing demand for specialist reflective beam expanders for high power lasers applications

18 Jul 2016
Weylan Kiam-Laine

Supplied optimized to individual customer specifications, all Optical Surfaces Ltd. (OSL) vacuum compatible beam expanders incorporate smooth running mechanics that do not require lubrication, optical designs that avoid use of glues and cements that might outgas and sandblast finished metalwork that eliminates stray light without the need for anodizing. On completion and performance testing - the beam condensers undergo scrupulous cleaning in a cleanroom environment where they are made ready for dispatch in specially developed packaging.

OSL vacuum compatible reflective beam expanders are aspheric mirror-based devices offering either beam expansion or reduction capabilities. Incorporating high precision off-axis mirrors, they provide an unobstructed output and highly efficient transmission. Reflective beam expanders use mirrors which have constant focal lengths, regardless of the light being focused. Thus, they can be used with collimated polychromatic light without the need of any fine focus adjustment. Available in a wide range of fixed or variable magnification configurations – the beam expanders are designed to be easy to use and to provide accurate, unobstructed expansion/contraction of any collimated input light source. They are also portable and can be used without the need for internal re-alignment.

Each beam expander is supplied housed in aluminum with provision for fixing to an optical table. Alignment aids are provided to ensure correct beam pointing. Manufactured to better than lambda/5 surface accuracy, the off-axis design produces no central obscuration and efficient transmission is obtained, unspoilt by spider diffraction patterns. An interferogram and OPD map is supplied with every product.

