Versatile New Flame Photometers from Jenway

10 May 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Two new Jenway flame photometers for industrial, clinical or educational applications offer accurate determination of up to five elements, as well as automatic flame failure detection.

The Jenway PFP7 and PFP7/C are low temperature, single channel flame photometers, designed for routine determinations of sodium, potassium, calcium, barium and lithium. The industrial model PFP7 is supplied with filters for all five elements; the PFP7/C for clinical use measures Na, K and Li. Both versions feature electronic ignition, fine and coarse sensitivity controls, and automatic flame failure detection to ensure user safety at all times. Fuel options are propane, butane, natural gas or LPG.

Specifically designed for clinical applications, the PFP7/C has in-built lineariser circuitry which enables readings of Na and K, from serum samples diluted 1:200 or 1:100, to be displayed directly in mmol/l. Accurate dilutions can be efficiently prepared using the Jenway Series 7 Diluter.

Flame photometry provides a simple method of analysis and concentration determination of elements which cannot easily be measured using any other technique. Jenway application notes for users of these versatile new flame photometers cover a wide range of industrial sectors, from food and drink to cement, minerals and glass, as well as agricultural, biological and clinical applications.

