Virtual Microbiology and Infectious Disease Summit 2022: Poster highlights
Explore the latest research from scientific posters presented at the SelectScience Virtual Microbiology and Infectious Disease Summit 2022
19 Jun 2022

This year’s SelectScience® Virtual Microbiology and Infectious Disease Summit saw an array of fascinating and insightful scientific posters presenting a range of hot topics in infectious disease and clinical diagnostics. The poster exhibition aimed to encourage collaboration and communication between clinical scientists and healthcare professionals around the globe, presenting the latest research findings in the field. Explore our top picks below to gain insights into a range of topics including sepsis, tuberculosis (TB), cystic fibrosis, and more!
Invasive Candidiasis: An underdiagnosed entity

Sepsis in medical and surgical intensive care units are a common occurrence. Elderly patients with multiple co-morbidities are particularly at risk of opportunistic nosocomial fungal infections, especially candida species. This report explores the importance of blood smear examination in the diagnosis of systemic fungal infection.
CBNAAT: An important tool for diagnosing paucibacillary pulmonary TB

The lack of a simple and effective diagnostic test for TB hinders disease control in high burden countries. This poster presents a study evaluating the effectiveness of GeneXpert/ CBNAAT in the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in sputum smear negative patients.
Down to the ground zero: Perspective from tissue diagnosis in neurological TB

Central nervous system TB (CNS-TB), a severe form of extrapulmonary TB presents with nonspecific symptoms leading to delayed diagnosis and increased morbidity. This study compares different modalities of diagnosis of CNS-TB [Multiplex real-time PCR/ GeneXpert, TB culture, Ziehl–Neelsen staining (Z-N staining) and histopathology].
Biochemical, cytological, and microbiological exploration of pleurisy

Pleurisy, inflammation of the pleura, can reflect both a primary pleural pathology and the manifestation of a large number of pulmonary and extra-pulmonary pathologies. This poster presents a study of 53 liquid pleural effusions to elucidate the differences in biochemical, cytological, and microbiological type between distinct aetiologies.
CRP and cytobacteriological study of sputum in cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease due to the mutation of the gene coding for the CFTR protein. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein of the acute phase of inflammation. This poster presents a patient case study to show the importance of analyzing CRP as a marker of infection and of carrying out a cytobacteriological study of patient sputum.