Visit IntelliCyt Corporation at SLAS2014 and Learn How to Revolutionize Your Phenotypic Screening

16 Jan 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Visit IntelliCyt Corporation at booth 1341 and at their tutorial to learn how to revolutionize your phenotypic screening with new MultiCyt™ QBeads™ PlexScreen assays and iQue™ Screener system. High-throughput meets high-content when screening cells, beads mixtures and more in suspension.

The New Role of Phenotypic Screening using Suspended Assay Formats

SLAS2014 Tutorial: Tuesday, January 21 | 12:45pm - 1:45pm | Room 26B
IntelliCyt's iQue™ Screener adds a powerful new tool for suspension formats to phenotypic and target-based screening. New 1536-capabilities and multiplexed analysis of secreted proteins will be discussed. Presentations include Dr. David Sykes of Massachusetts General Hospital and his work on Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Space is limited. Snacks will be served.
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QBeads & iQue Screener: A True Multiplexed Screening Solution for Secreted Proteins
MultiCyt QBeads PlexScreen is a new family of reagents that use immunochemistry to capture specific secreted proteins on distinct bead types. This enables multiplexed quantitation of a wide range of secreted proteins, including cytokines, adhesion molecules, enzymes and receptors. A simple no-wash protocol and 20 minute read time make QBeads ideal for your screening environment.

iQue Screener is IntelliCyt's system for screening cells and beads in suspension. Visit our booth to see the new iQue Screener HD - the first commercially available 1536 system for screening in suspension.

Poster #359: Rapid Profiling of Compounds for Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Status: Using Single Micro-Scale Compound Treatments for Multiple Multiplexed Assays
Robbie Narang, IntelliCyt Corporation
Tuesday, January 21, 1pm - 3pm

You may also be interested in the following:

Poster #68 - Multiplexing High Content Flow (HCF) and Quantitative High Throughput Screening (qHTS) to Identify Compounds Capable of Decreasing Cell Viability, Activating Caspase 3/7, Expressing Annexin V and Changing Mitochondrial Membrane Integrity.
Lesley Matthews, PhD
Monday, January 20, 1pm - 3pm

Tutorial - Novel High Throughput Assays for Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Function based on Flow Cytometry
Adam Zweifach, PhD
Tuesday, January 21, 11:30am - Noon, Room 29

IntelliCyt is a registered trademark. MultiCyt, iQue and QBeads are trademarks of IntelliCyt Corp.

