Visit LECO at the 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectroscopy and Allied Topics

2 Jun 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Join LECO Corporation in Minneapolis for ASMS, the annual scientific conference that brings together more than 6,500 mass spectrometry professionals from academic, industrial, and governmental laboratories.

Stop by the LECO booth to learn about our complete line of Separation Science products, including a number of new options and packages.

Once again, this year, there will be free breakfast seminars in room 200A in the Convention Center:
• On Monday, June 10, Dr. Marcos Eberlin of the Thomson Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the University of Campinas in Brazil will present Comprehensive Characterization of Petroleum Fractions by Ultra High Resolution ESI-TOF and GCxGC-LRTOF.
• On Tuesday, June 11, Dr. Lisa Strong of the Biotechnology Institute at the University of Minnesota will present Understanding the Chemical Composition of Hydraulic Fracturing (Waste)water.
• On Wednesday, June 12, Dr. Vladimir V. Tolstikov of Eli Lilly and Company will present High Resolution GC-MS for Metabolomics Applications.

For registration information, please click here.

Throughout the week, our team of application experts will present on the latest advancements in LC and GC time-of-flight mass spectrometry, including High Resolution TOFMS. Click here for a complete list of LECO-affiliated presentations.

Finally, we invite you to stop by our Hospitality Suite, located in the Hilton Minneapolis (Duluth ballroom) during the evenings to chat with our experienced staff, and let us show you how LECO instruments can take your complex sample analysis to the next level.

June 9 - 13, 2013
Minneapolis Convention Center
Booth #88

