VisualSonics Announces Next generation In Vivo Imaging Technology to Make Strides in Cancer Risk Reduction

3 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

VisualSonics Inc., a leader in real time, in vivo, high-resolution micro-imaging systems and a wholly-owned subsidiary of SonoSite Inc.,, is demonstrating the recently announced Vevo® LAZR Photoacoustics Imaging system at the American Association of Cancer Research’s annual conference (April 2-6, 2011, Orlando, FL). The launch of VisualSonics Vevo LAZR photoacoustic imaging system enables pre-clinical researchers to visualize structural, molecular and functional attributes of tumors simultaneously.

“With Photoacoustics, we can see at the molecular level what effect a drug is having on cancer cells - it provides unparalleled insights into how cancer sustains itself and it’s only a matter time before we begin seeing practical application in humans” Stanislav Emelianov, Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin

This innovative technology works by combining the sensitivity of optical imaging with the resolution and depth penetration of high-frequency ultrasound- pioneered by VisualSonics - enabling researchers to study cancer in its earliest stages of progression and evaluate tumor growth. For the first time, researchers will be able to observe tumor biology, measure hypoxia (oxygen levels), evaluate changes in blood flow, and quantify data with unique software solutions in vivo and in ‘real time’.

“The Vevo LAZR is a crucial breakthrough, with wide ranging implications for cancer research. In recent years the fight against cancer has centered on stopping growth using drugs (anti-angiogenesis therapeutics, for instance). If angiogenesis can be stopped or prevented from occurring, tumor growth can be controlled and significantly reduce harm to their hosts” added Dr Emelianov.

The ability to see the effect that a drug is having on the tumor growth is an invaluable asset in the development of cancer therapeutics. In practical terms, this means researchers will be able to observe tumor biology in a living host organism (mice and rats) without having to biopsy the actual tumor itself. Currently, researchers are often required to rely on ex vivo techniques such as histology and immunohistochemistry to obtain molecular information inside a tumor.

The Vevo LAZR uses a laser to shoot pulses of light through the skin into tissue and cells beneath the surface. The key to this novel approach is the wide range of biological materials that absorb the laser energy. Specific tissue components including oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, melanin, and lipids all absorb light, meaning it’s now possible to see even tiny structures like nuclei from inside a living cell.

With the ability to capture high-resolution images with high-frequency ultrasound, the co-registration function enables researchers to simultaneously superimpose a photoacoustic signal over the ultrasound image, allowing for the assessment and quantification of oxygen saturation and blood levels in tissues and organs. The Vevo LAZR system also includes an automated multispectral imaging algorithm that provides researchers with the flexibility of selecting multiple imaging wavelengths to optimize the visualization of contrast agents, such as nanoparticles and dyes.

The Vevo LAZR system supports VisualSonics continuous efforts to provide researchers with innovative solutions to improving pre-clinical research. The core of the Vevo LAZR technology is the LZ® Series integrated fiber-optic linear array transducers with microbeamforming technology. Harnessing the sensitivity of 256 active elements, the LZ Series transducers provideclear and high-resolution images - in both 2D and 3D modes. Applications for the Vevo LAZR system range from lymph node imaging, study of hemoglobin and oxygen saturation, and targeted imaging of tumor biomarkers.

